And the part about vertical tile shot blasting machine working principle.

And the part about vertical shot blasting machine working principle of ceramic tile, ceramic tile vertical shot blasting machine is used for hair decoration industry is mainly used for ceramic tile surface roughening, and part of the working principle of tile following by shot blasting and wool machine factory of Jiangsu Gude machinery Xiaobian to explain tile shot blasting machine.
Tile vertical dehairing blasting machine to remove the original tile surface need to re spray pattern, a large image resolution after decoration to the single piece of tile, and then assembled into a complete picture in the decoration of the scene, in order to pursue the uneven surface of the natural effect, after many experiments, the final selection of vertical solid stone blasting machine machinery for processing, our company technology according to the needs of customers, the surface processed by transformation type shot blasting machine, shot blasting machine set up vertical type walking, to protect the integrity of the tile edges, while reducing the shot recovery mechanism, reduce the cost of equipment.
The working principle of shot blasting machine is tile:
Tile side bearing placement in parallel on the conveyor belt, backed by a conveyor belt, the speed reducer drive, uniform through blasting area, two sets of 7.5kW blasting are calculated rigorously and the actual test, get the best projection angle and projection distance, in order to ensure that the tile surface delamination and minimal damage to the tile itself.

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