Fault analysis of electric mechanism of shot blasting machine

1 shot blasting machine performance

The electric actuator can shotblastin machine for reliable operation, can complete the required functions within the prescribed period of time and under specified conditions, the key lies in its performance. The performance index is generally expressed by the mean time of failure free running MTBF, which includes the basic error, the return difference, the damping, the dead zone and so on. These parameters reflect the performance of the electric actuator or shot blasting machine to a certain extent.

Key performance indicators and current problems

The relevant technical parameters of the shot blasting machine of electric actuator: input channel number is 1, the resistance is 250 ohms, 1% basic error, return difference 1.5%, dead time is 0.5%~3% adjustable damping characteristics without disturbance. Although some technical parameters of the electric actuator the shot blasting machine can be compared with foreign counterparts, but due to domestic production enterprises to improve the operational mechanism of the non restriction, there are also some disadvantages:

(1) the research and development of neglect basic technology of shot blasting machine;

(2) the quality of shot blasting machine universal component is not high;

(3) the enterprise quality management of blasting machine production is not strict.

2 failure analysis

(1) the initial operation of shot blasting machine

Run at the beginning of the run in period. The fault is more complex, the reasons are various, such as type selection, design and manufacture problems or installation and environmental issues, etc.. If the torque is too small, it may affect its speed and even can not be adjusted.

In the practical application are the following: the design does not pay attention is firmly connected with the actuator rod, falls off phenomenon; the same root threading pipe with power line and signal line, thereby causing signal interference; large electrical equipment not shielding near the impact on the stable operation of the motor insurance; the selection of position locator is too large, which causes the internal choke coil damage. For these issues, must be observed in a timely manner, timely detection and treatment, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.

(2) run the medium term

Shot blasting machine operation period, the overall performance of the electric actuator shot blasting machine by running in period into the adaptation period, the performance was relatively stable. The problems that arise are the quality of individual electronic components. If the position of the current converter TAM2, the middle of the contactor K1, K2, the moment of the micro switch, etc..

(3) running late

Into the late run, the problem of aging and transmission parts wear problem has become extremely serious components, such as motor coil insulation aging caused by reduced running instability; down not so that the running stability of motor lubrication; aging more coil positioner or position current converter aging so that the positioning accuracy is decreased; deceleration transmission parts wear causes shot blasting machine blasting machine motor structure cannot adjust etc.. For these issues, should be regularly checked in case of major failure. Of course, in all the fault factors, but also there is the actual operation of the human trample, the process of blocking the card die, the process of error operation and other reasons.

(4) maintenance

Starting from the actual experience of shot blasting machine maintenance personnel, maintenance of electric actuator shot blasting machine according to the different periods, different key maintenance measures, we usually have to do the following:

1; regular lubrication: motor electric actuator shotblastin machine and drive train components need to use oil lubricated and oil viscosity with temperature change. Viscosity is too low, gear and other transmission parts of the wear increases; viscosity is too high, bad action. Therefore, regular plus oil can extend its service life.

2; improve the operating environment: in order to ensure the reliability of electric actuators, shot blasting machine, must ensure that it is running in the appropriate operating environment, avoid damp environment and other environmental factors caused by short circuit or other fault.

3; regular inspection: regular inspection, timely detection of hidden trouble in the operation, at least for the failure of the factors to help to find a way to avoid detours.

4; for fault account management: every fault processed to make detailed records, including faults, fault analysis and search process, fault causes, treatment methods and prevention measures. This will not only provide a reference value for dealing with similar problems in the future, but also can improve the level of fault factors through the fault curve to achieve a multiplier effect.

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